Data Strategy

Effective Data Strategies

Flexible data analytics solutions
as a strong foundation

Fully exploit the potential of your company data! We design your customized roadmap to actively promote and ensure the effective use of your company data in the long term.

CompAn Labs develops your individual data strategy. To do this, we flexibly adapt your data management plan to your company, your existing infrastructure, goals and internal standards.

Thanks to optimizing your data infrastructure, you get the most out of your information and generate in-depth insights about your business. By strategically collecting, processing, analyzing and visualizing your data, we ensure both its integrity and quality.

Our personalized information management forms the foundation for future process optimization and security, maximum profitability and sustainable growth. Use the newly gained insights and your in-depth knowledge of your business processes: recognize correlations and make fact-based decisions to achieve your business goals.

agile & flexible

Innovative data strategies for more growth opportunities

We start where your data originates. That’s why we investigate in detail and meticulously:

  • WHAT DATA is generated?
  • WHERE is your data generated?
  • WHEN is your data generated?
  • HOW is your data generated?

We work with you to determine your objectives in order to process the data collected in a useful way and to utilize the information obtained in a targeted manner:

  • WHAT INFORMATION is relevant?
  • WHERE is the provision?
  • WHEN is the provision?
  • HOW will the information be used?

Our data strategy for your company serves as a precise guideline for collecting, analyzing and processing your data. As a result, you benefit from extremely high data quality and informative value, which leads to a better understanding of your internal processes and customer needs and ensures your company’s long-term success.

Comparability through standards

Meaningfulness through structure

Routine through automation

Individual & scalable

Tailor-made instead of “one-fits-all”

Our data strategy reflects what your company is all about. We capture your organization as a whole in order to identify links between individual task areas, processes and procedures.

To do this, we rely on close cooperation and open communication. In order to implement a forward-looking data strategy and to gain maximum information, we involve all relevant departments – from interns to the CEO.

By designing and establishing a functional, holistic data strategy in your company, we ensure that you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Ensure maximum information gain, reliable planning and freed-up resources through the efficient use of your company data. Our team will accompany you on your way to optimized information management.

Contact us now and take the first step towards effective use of your company data for greater profitability and sustainable earning power.

Target-oriented reliable analyses

Target-oriented reliable analyses

Structured data usage

Structured data usage

Efficient resource management

Efficient resource management

Data Analytics and BI Services for your company

Advice, ideas, challenges? Transparency from the first second!

Our innovative technologies are the key to a successful and future-orientated data strategy in your company. Start a new era with us today, in which you not only analyse your data, but also finally exploit its full potential in order to continue to participate successfully in growing markets.

Contact us now and find out how you can prepare your company for the future with strong data analysis strategies and state-of-the-art data pipelines.


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Ravensburger Str. 36
88677 Markdorf

+49 7544 9049761


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