Data Visualization

User-oriented data visualization

Meaningful analysis results at a glance

We make the accurate presentation of your analysis results an elementary component of your data analytics concept. Capture changes, correlations and the achievement of time-critical milestones at a single glance. The visual presentation of your analyses provides you and all employees involved with comprehensive and clear insights into current operating processes. Use standardized reports, for example, to make quick and appropriate decisions or keep your production on track at all times thanks to the clear presentation of important data and information.

Clear structures, intuitive operation and consideration for the special requirements of your employees and stakeholders form the basis of your future working methods. Decide for yourself on the output form of your analysis results. Whether as a classic PDF, detailed Excel tables or individualized dashboards, perfectly tailored to your needs: CompAn Labs develops your customized output concept to guarantee you a functional and pleasant user experience.


Immediately recognize what matters

The meaningful visualization of the information obtained from your data sets forms the link between the analysis and a fact-based decision. The reliable transfer of all analyzed information to your employees ensures smooth processes and your company’s success:

  • AUTOMATIC STANDARDIZED REPORTING:Always have access to the latest key figures and react immediately to new challenges.
  • CONSISTENT INFORMATION BASIS:Benefit from a consistent information base and make your decisions comprehensible for everyone.
    Save time and provide teammates with concrete KPIs in your dashboards instead of explaining them laboriously.
    Make quick and well-founded decisions based on meaningful and visually clear data.
    Make the success of your campaigns, process optimizations or new products visible to everyone involved.

Identify relevant infos quickly

Reasoned decisions

Central procurement of infos


Optimal data visualization - more than a question of design

By clearly visualizing your analysis results, you reduce human error and save valuable time. Our solutions allow you and your employees to clearly recognize the current situation so that you can take appropriate action. We select the ideal format and suitable visualizations for each analysis. The data is provided via Microsoft PowerBI or custom business dashboards in our data intelligence platform Dashlake, as an export in Excel, CSV or PDF files – entirely according to your wishes and the applicable standards in your company.

In close cooperation with all departments and stakeholders involved, we select relevant information and find the best possible way to present it in personalized dashboards or tools. Together, we define guidelines for the design and implementation of your dashboards, develop a uniform structure and improve cross-departmental communication in your company.

Efficient Clear Flow Of Information

Efficient Clear Flow Of Information

Compression Of Information

Compression Of Information

Current Reliable Information

Current Reliable Information

Data Analytics and BI Services for your company

Advice, ideas, challenges? Transparency from the first second!

Our innovative technologies are the key to a successful and future-orientated data strategy in your company. Start a new era with us today, in which you not only analyse your data, but also finally exploit its full potential in order to continue to participate successfully in growing markets.

Contact us now and find out how you can prepare your company for the future with strong data analysis strategies and state-of-the-art data pipelines.


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Ravensburger Str. 36
88677 Markdorf

+49 7544 9049761


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